Do you know what is extremely annoying but perhaps even more amazing?? When I have dreams about guys (usually fictional characters or moviestars)!!! Since I know that not very many people follow this blog, and not really any men, I can safely say (I hope!) that I love kissing dreams, and romantic dreams, because it makes me get the butterflies for days, and then I instantly think that that man (whoever he may be) is extremely more gorgeous and attractive then he was before I had the dream. Don't think I am completely lame, because guess what, I know I am too young for that sort of thing! And its not really happening, its just amazing dreams!!! (Though I admit sometimes I do wish they were real!!)

Anyways, so the past week I read Jane Austen's
Persuasion and loved it! So I watched the new BBC adaptaion of it after I finished the book. I really do love that movie! (I grant you, the sister Mary acts like she is mentally ill and stupid) but other then that, I love it! So....... two nights ago I had a dream about Captain Frederick Wentworth (from the 2009 movie) and we were completely in love, but we had been apart for
so long! For some reason in most of my dreams I live in my Grandma A's house. (Perhaps that gives you an idea of the setting! ;) ) Anyways, I was down in the basement, and then Captain Harville and Captain Benwick came down and gave me a letter from Frederick (sincer I had a dream about him, I do believe we can be on a first name basis) He was waiting for me upstairs!!!! And so I went upstairs, and he proclaimed his love for me and asked me to marry him, ..... and then I asked my mom if I could and she said something like "Of course! It's alright that you are only sixteen because those kind of men only come around once in a lifetime!" ... but of course my dream ended before the wedding, much to my dismay! :( . So if you notice my recent love for Freddy then now you will completely understand, and I will be blameless!!! :) haha. (and I know he isn't extremely extremely attractive otherwise, but honestly i think he is the most attractive man right now.....!)
Pretend that girl in the right-hand corner that doesn't
deserve him, isn't there! Just imagine me there instead! |